Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

What are the 3 R’s when it comes to reducing our waste?

We all know we must do more for the environment and planet. We need to reduce our waste and reduce our consumption, but how?

Green grass with a card laying on top of it showing the recycle logo . ESG Cleaning Services Blog Post on Reduce, Reuse and Recycle for a greener and cleaner planet


The first R is to reduce the amount we consume and waste - do you need to buy that 27th pair of jeans to add to your collection? Should we throw away that old wardrobe, reuse it, or recycle it somewhere else?

Tips on how to REDUCE your consumption and waste:

  • Only buy what you need

  • Buy products in bulk (this will save you pennies - bonus!)

  • Chose brands and products with sustainable or less packaging 

  • Look at how you could reuse or recycle old products, clothes, and items 


Once we sloooow our spending and consumption, the next thing to consider is how to reuse items we already own.

The possibilities are endless. You could…

  • Use old magazines and newspapers as wrapping paper for a sustainable and unique twist on gift-giving 

  • Use old glass jars to refill regularly used items like pasta to save on single-use plastics and packaging. For example, did you know in Telford, we have a refill shop called the Green Cove in Wellington that will refill your bottles with everything from cleaning products to shampoo to spices and milk powders 

  • Give your glass bottles a new lease of life. You can use old beer bottles or perfume bottles. Blend your favourite essential oils with a base oil like sweet almond oil or coconut oil, then finish with a handful of diffuser sticks or bamboo skewers and let the beautiful fragrances fill your home 

  • When you get a new toothbrush, add your old toothbrush to your cleaning kit, as it helps clean grout, tap heads, and anywhere with small gaps!

Three grey recycling bins. The first bin has gloass recycling, the second bin has plastic products and the third bin has paper products. Across the bins is the words "recycle for a greener, cleaner planet. Underneath is the ESG Cleaning Services log


Recycling products and clothes can give them a whole new lease on life, and in a cost-of-living crisis, it makes sense to save some money by buying second-hand or used goods.

  • When clothes don’t fit, fall out of favour, or sit in your wardrobe year after year, it may be time to donate them to charity or sell them. You could…

  • Use your recycling bins, provided by the local council, and separate your cardboard from your plastics and glass. 

  • Recycle old office equipment and ink toner cartridges to charity - some will even collect it from you! 

Looking after our products, clothes, and home goods will make them last longer and reduce our carbon footprint, helping to save our planet.

If you need help looking after your home and keeping your carpets and furniture looking great and clean, contact ESG cLeaning today for a free quote.

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Have A Sparkly Day!✨


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