10 Natural Cleaning Hacks That Are So Good It's Scary!
It’s October which means it’s officially scary season!
Which is why we have 10 of our best natural cleaning hacks that are so good, it’s scary!😱
10 Natural Cleaning Hacks That Are So Good It's Scary!
Vodka is the answer…
When it comes to stains anyway!😉
Here’s how to use clear vodka on stains:
First blot the stain.
Second, pour any type of clear alcohol (rubbing alcohol, vodka, white wine) onto the stain
Leave it to sit for a couple of minutes and blot again until the stain is gone.
2. Get the shaving cream out!
It doesn’t just make shaving easier, but cleaning too✨
Shaving cream is a great way to remove water stains from shower glass.
Apply the shaving cream and let it sit for 15 minutes.
Wipe off and voila!
3. Get your bath ready for some candlelit cosiness this Autumn🕯️
Mix one cup of vinegar and half a cup of baking soda with hot water.
Pour this mixture into an empty bath and let it sit for five minutes.
Then, start filling the bath with hot water until it is approximately one-quarter filled, and let it sit for a further five minutes.
Finally, empty the water out, wipe around the bath and rinse thoroughly.
*Bonus Hack - You can use this to freshen up your toilet too! 🚽
4. Essential oils can freshen up your microwave
Add 15 drops of lemon essential oil and half a cup of water to a microwave-safe bowl.
Microwave on high for five to 10 minutes, allowing the steam to condense on the walls and ceiling of your machine.
Once complete, simply wipe away the softened food with a sponge. Your microwave will be left spotless and smelling good!🧽
5. When life gives you lemons, here’s another cleaning hack…🍋
In addition to its scent benefits, lemon essential oil is a great degreaser. It’s a great way to remove stubborn grease stains naturally.
Spray a mixture of one cup water, one cup vinegar and lemon essential oil onto your stovetop.
Let it sit for at least 5 minutes and simply wipe clean.
For tougher stains, sprinkle baking soda first, then spray and wipe.
*Bonus Hack - You can use the same technique to clean your oven!
6. Your dishwasher is for more than dishes…
Here’s a list of things you can safely wash in the dishwasher:🧼
Rubber flip-flops
Makeup brushes
Non-electrical plastic and rubber kids’ toys
Contacts lens cases
Mouth guards
Hair brushes and combs
Shower heads
Plastic and metal garden tools
Refrigerator shelves
7. Make your glass look brand new with this one!✨
For cloudy glass, add a handful of uncooked rice in warm water to the bottom of the glass and shake it around – This will rub the grime off.
Then, pop a dishwasher tablet in the bottom of the glass and fill with hot water.
Leave it overnight to work its magic.
Rinse the glass out and see the sparkles.
8 - Keep your shower heads gleaming
Once every other month, pour a solution of distilled white vinegar into a plastic bag and fasten it over your showerhead using an elastic band so the whole head is immersed in the liquid🚿
Leave overnight, then remove the bag and run the shower on hot to flush the showerhead through.
*Bonus Hack - For a build-up of limescale on taps, wrap a cloth soaked in vinegar solution around the tap and leave overnight.
For extra stubborn residue, use an old toothbrush soaked in the solution to scrub it off🪥
(Don't use vinegar on plated taps, particularly gold ones, because the acid can damage the finish).
9 - More lemons, more cleaning hacks!🍋
You can remove food stains on plastic chopping boards with them too.
Simply rub the board with lemon juice and leave overnight.
Rinse thoroughly and dry.
10 - The bleach hack not many people know…
When it comes to using bleach, people often don’t realise that you should always use cold water.
Hot water can render the active ingredients in bleach ineffective, making it totally useless🤯
*The Best Bonus Hack!👍
Use us to do your cleaning so you never have to think about any of the above again!
When it comes to cleaning, we specialise in the best techniques, products and schedule for transforming a house into a home of clean.
To find out more about how we can make your house a home of clean, get in touch today.
Have a sparkly day!✨