Cleaning Hacks: 10 Quick Tips For A Cleaner Home

Nobody likes cleaning (Except us!). We understand that you'd much rather be doing something else – anything else!

But the fact is, cleaning is a necessary evil. It has to be done, and it has to be done right. Otherwise, you’ll just be dealing with a bigger mess later on...

We also know how busy you are. Which is why we’ve put together this list of cleaning hacks 🙌

These 10 quick tips will help you keep on top of your home either in between our visits, or until you've had enough of cleaning altogether and just use us to do it all the time 😉

What are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

Cleaning Hacks: 10 Quick Tips For A Cleaner Home

  1. Get a good vacuum👌

    This is probably the most important tip on the list. A good vacuum will make all the difference in the world when it comes to cleaning your floors. Not only will it pick up more dirt and debris, it will make your floors look brand new.

    *Sharks are the best in our opinion but keep that to yourself...😉

    2. Don’t let the clutter build up🪀

    One of the quickest ways to make your home look messy is to let the clutter build up. If you have a hard time letting go of things, try to at least keep them organised👍

    3. Get organised😏

    Following on from tip 2, if you have a system for keeping everything organised, you’ll be surprised at how much easier it is to keep your home clean.

    *A tip we like is to set a timer for 10 minutes and go around your house with a basket or box. Everything that isn’t where it should be, put it in the basket for you to then put away where it goes⏲️

    4. Wipe down surfaces after EVERY use🧽

    This is a good habit to get into, especially in the kitchen. Wiping down surfaces after you use them will help to prevent bacteria, stains and make cleaning a lot easier✨

    5. Make your bed every morning🛏️

    This is another good habit to get into. Not only will it make your bedroom look nicer, but it will also give you a sense of accomplishment when you start your day👊

    6. Do a load of washing every day🧺

    This may seem like a lot, but it’s really not. If you live alone, you can probably get away with doing a load of laundry every other day. But if you’re a family, doing a load of laundry every day is probably the best way to keep on top of it👚

7. Keep the sink clear🚰

This is another tip for the kitchen, but it’s also important for the bathroom. A clear sink will help to prevent bacteria from building up and will make cleaning a lot easier🛁

8. Take the bin out regularly🗑️

This is probably the most important tip for the kitchen. Taking the bin out regularly will help to keep your kitchen clean and will also prevent odors from building up🗑️

9. Have a place for everything🗃️

Going back to point 3, this is a good rule of thumb for all of your belongings. When everything has a place, it’s a lot easier to keep track of it and to keep your home clean🧼

10. Schedule🗓️

This is the most important tip on the list. When you have a cleaning schedule, it’s a lot easier to stick to it. There are a lot of different ways to do this, but the best way is to hire a cleaning service that comes on the same day every week! That way, all of this and more is done and you don’t even have to lift a finger!😍

To find out more about how we can make your house a home of clean, get in touch today.

Have a sparkly day!✨


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